2.5 Emperor Cinemas; Cinity 120 frames just killed the excitement and speeding feelings of the action scene, it’s too clear and vivid for naked eye; Jr. should be Jaden; how can Henry become his darkness when he didn’t even know his presence? I always thought it’s experience and choice make you who you are, not gene, and the end confirms it.
这部实在是过于racist了(罗杰摩尔版本一上来就给M伺候咖啡的样子真是一个好社畜的007啊)(好奇candyman和这部有无关系)(fastfood连锁店卖毒品的熟悉操作)(顺着豆瓣片单搜中文译名看在线盗版于是完全不知道“你死我活”的英文是啥直到熟悉的前奏响起…原来是你保罗麦卡特尼乔治马丁的score有点太滥用live and let die了…)